An introduction to credit scoring
Credit scoring A credit score is a three-digit number that can determine whether a loan application is accepted. Borrowers with lower credit scores are often charged higher rates of interest. Of course, we don’t do that at Central Liverpool Credit Union. We prefer to see our members as human beings, not numbers. We obtain credit scores, but a low score is not a reason to turn someone down. And we neverFew readersHow to Start Saving on Your Household Bills
Work out your billsWhen it comes to saving money and trying to be more spend-savvy, it can be easy to cut down on other things such as your coffees, social outings, etc. when really, there’s a huge chunk of money that can be saved at home. Your household bills are something you should review regularly, as there are often little savings that you can make that you otherwise wouldn’t nFew readersHow to lower your supermarket spend
Lower your supermarket spend When you take a look at where you spend most of your money, there are opportunities to lower your supermarket spend. Most families will see that a lot of their money goes on shopping from the supermarket. Food, cleaning products, hygiene products and other essential items all add up to a large amount of your monthly budget. Because of this, your supermarkFew readersTeaching children good money habits
Teaching children good money habits When it comes to understanding how to manage finances, teaching children good money habits is so important. In fact, the earlier children develop a good understanding of using money, the better they should be able to manage money throughout their life. Many children have little experience of managing their own money until they become an adult andFew readersTry our benefits calculator
Benefits calculator Try our new benefits calculator. With further extensions to lock downs, including in Liverpool itself – we recognise that many of our members are facing financial hardship. The furlough scheme is changing. People in retail and the entertainment industry are suffering. And it’s likely that there’ll to be worse to come. Some of our members and potential members might have to claim benefitFew readers5 Ways to Stop Emotional Spending
Stop emotional spending motional spending is a fairly common issue. It can severely impact people’s finances and it has been increasing as we have come out of lockdown, because of a combination of the shops opening again and people feeling lower than they did pre-COVID. Emotional spending is when people spend money to boost their mood and feel better about themselves. The spendingFew readers